Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hard-Pack Confessionals

i've taken a marlboro lights ciggy recently

was pretty stressed out, but was more curious (fake sense of it) then anything else.

just that something evil inside you that never wants to die out, or in this case burn out.

those who know of this slip, expressed their disappointment of how i've wasted their dream ambitions of how one day, they themselves can kick the habit too.

good news is, im not back on the bandwagon

bad news is, there was a sense of relief, which is a dangerous thing, especially when it comes to addiction.

so those out there using me as a measuring stick for male demographic in 20s---
GET realistic and be your own role model. no one can help you better than yourselves.

as for what i've learnt, it is a very difficult habit to kick, and am glad i've failed a 1000 times to have the experience i have now. the experience that nobody is perfect, but those who sit and do nothing should seriously ponder the dangers that creep.

there's nothing more disturbing than the consequences that are not right smack in your face, but many years later down the line.

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Well said Myron.. well said..