Saturday, May 31, 2008

hello again my friend

it's been awhile since we met,

our lives might have gone in separate directions

but our faith remains the same.

some say i've changed drastically, true in some sense, but only in a more honest way.

if honesty is negative and evil, than i proclaim myself a villain.

nothing interests me anymore apart from things that are real.

the illusions, the dreams have matured.

sometimes it feels like hot dry dust, but that very dust is what we are made of and will be in the future.

the moment to seize is shrinking and it's invaluable.

it's time for a new generation and no longer do i feel the mover but more the motivator.

the only legacy left, is to leave others to lead and live out whatever little i have as loud as possible.

no regrets, no time wasted, no no's.

till the next time, you are the only one that knows who i really am, and only time will reveal who we all really are.

right or wrong.

Saturday, May 03, 2008

this is real life

hot oxygen, this is real

pins n needles, this real

salted tears, this is real

silent suffering, this is real

twinkle toes, this is real

fluffy dust, this is real

rugged disappointments, this is real

thumping bass drum, this is real

moth on the wall, this is real

breaking glass, this is real

ice cold death, this is real

indigo skies, this is real

chopping board, this is real

down on my knees, this is real

blackened sun, this is real

.......................................this is real