Monday, November 14, 2011

Big lion small lion

All alone now, without a tan fright in sight

Squares on square, sitting down by the riverside on a Monday, other ppl that is

Colonial excursion coming to an end, a whiff of cigarette smoke in the air, not mine

The one quiet patch in the bustling city, kind of like the imbi alley back home, no porridge in sight over here

At least theres still the. Big iconic bank tower, overshadowing me, reminding me where i came from

Who knows where im going to next, but this wont be the last time i enter the lions den, or the dragons head

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Little bird on my window door

Little bird on my window door

I cant quite make out what bird you are

Just a silhoutte as the day curtains are stuck

A bit hairy, must be wet from the rain, the dreaded rain that is keeping me from infinity heaven

An extremely tall window, a room made for giants, how many have came before me, starring out to the sky, pondering the future, while still giddy from a hot bath

You must be talking to your friends little bird, i can hear you both chirp, but can only see one

When will you fly away, away from this supposed dragon's head

You must be waiting for the sun like all of us

We shall see who makes the first move.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


A blog entry a year keeps the mind in focus.

The longer i reside in this concrete jungle the more interesting the cracks appear to be.

Lunch at meds, coffee at A Curious Teepee, lame shoot being held, discovered the fantastic green soccer journal.

Coffee part 2 at the Kallang River, my area is probably the coolest place in Singapore.

From mocha to latte and the help of a new adventure in the football world, cave time has been resurrected, and life per normal can resume.

The men are looking more stylish than the ladies, the foreigners seem more local than the citizens. But love will always remain the same, just days away from the big one,

Open up your eyes and you will see....