Tuesday, April 05, 2005

sounds of gaffer tape

yup, everytime i hear the tape rip, the stuffing of bubble wrap,

it's another season for the malaysian idol,

another 6 months of gruelling labourous, mind numbing fiasco, leaving me in a sea of weirdo's to find real talent, and they only want real talent.

sure i get more pay now, but i still don't have my own computer, still ransacking other people's stationary, still buying bottles of water, seeing i never want to leave my personal cup here, even though i can,

but back to reality, people are running around while i try to complete this blog, looking like i'm busy writing up some scripts, or filling out forms, as long as i keep my confused yet serious face, i doubt anybody will bother me.

weather is pretty cool this morning, but in the office it doesnt matter, it's always like switzerland over here,

ever notice how you get splitting headaches going out in the hot sun for some bah kut teh, and coming back in the cold confines of a cubicle thinking how fat the pig really was?

that's asia in a nutshell, extreme contrasts, things that make us unique, exotic plain...

shit, i heard my name being called

gotta go

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