Sunday, April 24, 2005

almost done

third audition venue of Msian Idol

after penang, im coming back to KL, leaving one home for another,

learned so much this trip back, trying to bring friends and crew members to interesting places,

lotsa headache, i'm those type of ppl that am contempted with eating canned food, so penang food is more like my mama's cooking, i know there's a lot of cool shit to eat out there, but i think my nearby market suits me just fine.

and the first day of auditions, i was assigned to take scenic shots of the island, only then do i really appreciate the aestathic view penang has to offer, i usually think of it as a dirty shithole, but nothing can beat the pollution in KL, and seriously JB looks like hell on earth, a very boring hell though.

...back to penang

you've got lotsa nature on the west side, total ulu-ness, and you have a fusion of heritage buildings and feng tau clubs on the main coast. and the food....damn it,,,,it's still bloody cheap.

3 big wan tan mee and some chicken legs.....RM 9.50, beat that you other ulu states!

i feel rejuvenated seeing piracy shops opening in full bloom like some HMV where people can come together and rejoice the rebellion of overpriced goods.

i love this little island as much as i hate it's secluded-narrow mindedness,

but ever so unique it is


Myron said...

well recently i had to spend a week in times square, eating at the same lousy crap foodcourt,overpriced,piece of....

well thank god we are not in singapore

YU JIAN said...

And people here wonder why I'm so goddamn statriotic (if there's such a word) of my lil island. Fuck the other 12 states. There's only one state to be in. Penangite till I Die.