Sunday, September 03, 2006

Soares to my throat

im currently down with the tonsillities

havent had it in awhile, but it's one of those infections i've been battling my whole life, especially when i was young

im just prone to tonsillities, execpt for the time i started smoking, i guess all the tar must have killed everything in the throat including all bacteria and virus.

it's a really sucky infection coz it hurts to eat, and i love eating, and having no appetite due to the pain of swallowing, really sucks, it sucks so bad i can't even suck anything without feeling all the lumps in my throat flare up.

the fever that comes along with it kindza sucks too, ive been sleeping for the last 3 days, non-stop, and i still feel sleepy, i even get the chills when the whether is like humid and hot like hell.

i take my medication and lozanges (which i never find the effectiveness in) and even try to battle it out with gargles of warm salt

my fever is getting better but my throat is still screwed up, soon i'll have to buy some honey and lime juice, apparently its good, and gonna start drinking some herbal tea, and whatever

coz im freakin irritated on my irritation!

and all i can really do now is write about it till it heals

damn you tonsils!!!!


YU JIAN said...

Contrary to popular belief, tonsilitis is NOT solely caused by heaty food or drinkin' cold water and all the other Chinese medicinal crap.

It's due to having a sensitive throat. Specifically, throat walls that are edgy / have lotsa crevices / holes for food particles to get trapped and that's when shit happens.

Food that's trapped attracts germs to feed on it. Normally the antibodies in the saliva and drinking water and washing mouth is enough to cancel out most of the germ infection. However, when there's a lot of them, sometimes it breaks out into a full-fledged viral infection.

Enter tonsilitis.

Heaty food affects it indirectly. Simply because heaty food sometimes may raise body temperature, which in turn makes the affected area warmer. Which in turn makes it more optimum for germ-multiplication.

Solution: a good course of antibiotics should do the trick. Penicillin for non-serious victims. For chronic tonsilitors like me, you need a stronger shot of good antibiotics shit injected straight to the system and let the blood do its job in bringing reinforcements there.

Panadol to lower temperature and placebo to take your mind off the pain. Lozenges to promote more saliva action which in turn promotes faster recovery.

Rule of thumb : Gargling with salt helps tremendously. Do it 3 times a day when under attack. Even when all is fine and dandy, try to gargle every night before you sleep.

-Dr.Ong signing off-

Anonymous said...

u sure ur in the right field?