Thursday, September 21, 2006

21 Sept 2006

a day befor the finals of one in a million

the show ive been workin on most, this year

whenever a long show ends, its like the whole year has ended.

but this time, there isnt any grand feelings about the final show

maybe because it has come one two many times

or maybe because my entire team are fed up trying to work with an inexperienced-egocentric-pitiful-HEAD,

i shant use the word leader, coz he's more of a coward than anything else,

ever prepared to blame everyone else for his short comings, except for himself.......of course.

but if i spend time writing about that aspect of the year gone by, it'll probably take another whole year to complete.

so i'll take things in a positive manner like I always do, and treat my last day working with him as the happiest day of my life, even happier than the other finals i've done!

yes nothing feels better than the taste of freedom from ur oppressors!

and on the subject of freedom, i remember talking to my lawyer-friend how we always have to fight for some small form of freedom,

there isnt any way around it really, without a fight , i guess there would be nothing to be learned or appreciated.

we are all born into this worlds as slaves, be it at the start to our parents

and later on to addictions like drugs, greed, lust etc.

(addiction comes from the word enslaved in latin, or something like that)

so i guess its everybody's duty to fight for their freedom, if they want it of course.

i never understood fighting before until now, i always wanted to be a lover, but in the end, u cant always sit in your comfort zones ignoring everything wrong that goes on around you.

its not like im all hyped out to travel to some war torn country to start some jihad and stuff,

im more concerned on the smaller scale, like fighting for your dignity, fighting for respect, fighting for your survival.

i didnt choose a business job, or some money making thing as my craft

i decided to do work that i'dlove, love meaning i wouldnt mind not getting paid much for it

but when u dont get paid much, and you still have to worry about bastards around you that dont know what they are doing......thats when we have to fight

and i love kicking ass for what is right, and just

coz in general, we malaysians are one motherfucking lazy lot

i know, coz i am one

but now im willing to FIGHT


YU JIAN said...

I think you're ready to join the Club where the First Rule is ... you do not talk about it. Second Rule is the same.

"When you've nothing left to lose, only then can you be truly free. Slide"

Anonymous said...

Am doing good. Guess you're quite okay urself since u update ur blog a bit about ur life. Why did you choose pink for your background? lol. One in a million. Paul's rather critical in his comments there. But of course, he's the one who makes the most sense. Sense alone. I still remember u told me sth about you being partly Portugese ;)

Myron said...

pink is the new black