Wednesday, March 17, 2010

feelin the heat

it has always been hot during the CNY period, hot and dry

this time however it seems to be extending itself to a longer period and you can only wonder how bad global warming is really getting to

it's as bad as having to resort to ice cream for breakfast apart from cereal, shorts to the office and abstinence from spicy food

the sun never seems to leave us back home, while it always fails to show up when i was in England, it's the total opposite, shit cold

this small period in my life has been fluctuating not only on the temperature side but on my fate as well, in my career, in my health and my outlook of the future

it's always some 3 year cycle for me, and i always thought it would end at some point...

but what would be the fun in that

doing and expecting the same things, some people die for it, I never had it

and i'm not complaining, on a whole, coz i do at times

i just end up getting a lot of time in between to really think hard and peacefully on the purpose of just being around, the purpose of frying my arse off day to day in the sun

just got to flow with it and find some shade whenever i can

coz feelin the heat is always better than being left out in the cold

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