Thursday, October 09, 2008

maybe this time

internet connection is so bad, if this ever gets posted, then it's meant to be, if the connection is bad, then it'll be just lost in limbo.

listening to shadows from ASH, yes they aren't dead yet although most of my peers feel they are, i missed out catching them in Singapore, but you know money is always the case and going to a rock concert alone is as fun as playing table tennis solo.

Now my playlist has hit 'take the a train',

you'll find the quickest way to get to harlem . . . bad da bad do bad dodo (ella is the queen)

funny enough i was passing by Harlem, the Dutch one, probably where the name came from, didn't notice any swinging jazz bars though, just a hell load of bicycles and an Indonesian restaurant, that serves a kind of nasi padang gourmet style, it's funny how things always seem extra special just because you don't have it so often.

Like how safari's are in Africa.

Bad times are here to stay thanks to the world riding on debt, there isn't even enough money for wars to kick start the economy.

I dunno whether i'm lucky enough to go through such interesting times, or whether i'm shit scared that i'll be left in the gutter soon enough.

all said and done, we will always have music to inspire us, if there's no player in sight, at least it will always stay in my heart, even if i'm deaf, the vibrations are enough to know that i'm alive and nothing can touch me when things are already down in the dumps

people have been suffering since the dawn of time, maybe it's a big wake up call to everyone who has been ignoring the rate of poverty, that if we take care, or just plain care for one another then the world could just fizzle out in a more normal, respectable way

apart form it's accelerated, consumerist, suicide course it's taking on now.

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