Thursday, November 01, 2007

I was born to lead not read


to all those ppl at home with families working their arses off so their children have a better tomorrow.

and to all those in charge with the power to change, they are always hated but it takes a special something to be on top

and the blatantly talented that can make or break without effort, just sheer instinct

and all those bathing in the fruits of their own labour, they deserve it despite the amount of ppl they screwed along the way,

because they can and they did, and those who cant are plainly just jealous.

for true humility and righteousness leads away from slander

a bitch is a bitch is a bitch

but arent we all, as in life


Anonymous said...

So much anguish! So much pain!

The ambitious do all they can to reach the top. Maybe it's a trade off ... the more people u screw, the more financially successful and powerful you'll be. So the question now is: How many people do u want to screw?

We all have our price.

Anyway, that aside - Dude u back in Singapore or KL? Call me when u return I was going to call u for bak chor mee awhile ago but your phone wasn't on or something.

Anonymous said...

i wont be in Singapore for a while, if i do, they will tax me.

So you can probably give me a call if you cross the border.

And you can have any mee under the sun.