This post is dedicated to my girlfriend who has just sent in her resignation letter today.
I always feel uplifted when I see people standing up for what they believe in and make the hard decisions that need to be done.
Mindshare the leading media planning company in Malaysia one of the various companies under the WPP network, like all multi-nationals have succesfully squeezed their employees overtime on countless occasions and balanced it up with ridiculous incentives like company trips to Barcelona during chinese new year when the majority of their workers are chinese people. (my point of view anyway, my girlfriend did go for the trip)
Brilliant from a business point of view, but flawed considering the amount of loyalty asians have towards their companies as compared to their western counterparts.
If only employers new how to tap into their employees resources just by treating them fairly. I think their profits might actually double and so will their employee salaries, but the tangens will still be appropriate.
but hell everybody here only knows how to calculate in the short term, nobody wants to build anything, everybody is looking out for themselves, including all the CEO's and thats why nothing gets built.
As much as we all like to hate all the CEO's out there, we still need to appoint someone to get things running, to make a personal solution, to take the blame when things go bad. So instead of hiring a selfish boat-jumper to run big money corporations they need to look at the level 5 managers, the great ones who were interested in building something.
Not all the flairy level 4 managers, but the guys who know what they are doing, hire people who know what they are doing and get a simple functional thing done!
is it really that hard? or does everyone has too big of a family to support they have to make sure their dumb cousins or in-laws still make enough money to buy their BMW's at the cost of losing 20 Ferraris for the company.
bosses treat ur workers well, it works, trust me and those who have done so in the past.